
 Do you allow editing of reverse DNS records?

Yes, we allow custom reverse DNS entries for your virtual machine IPs. You can update reverse dns...

 Do you allow outbound SMTP?

In some instances, outbound traffic to the SMTP port may be blocked for new accounts. If you...

 Do you offer IPv6 support?

Yes, IPv6 is available in all products.

 Do you offer console access?

Yes, you can access the console for your virtual machine using the control panel.

 Do you offer instance backups?

Subscribers may create snapshots of any active instance at any time. We understand the importance...

 Do you offer managed hosting?

No, your instances grant you full root access and are entirely self-managed.

 Do you support multiple IPv4 addresses per instance?

Many of our plans come with one primary IPv4 address. Additional addresses are available for an...

 Do your instances come with a cPanel license?

No, instances do not come with a cPanel license by default. cPanel licenses are available for an...

 What are the hardware specifications of your host machines?

In order to achieve the highest possible virtualized performance, all of our host machines use...